Week 29: We submitted!
Yesterday we submitted the paper to IEEE VAST 2018! Caitlin was the rockstar; she kept working until the very end and got it finished to submit. I admit I was pooped by Friday evening, so I wasn't much help the next day. However, I was able to make a good video that demonstrated RanKit, so I feel good about that. The other undergraduates who kept working on this project into D term were also really good. They fixed bugs at the last minute and made it happen. Overall, I feel very happy with the way things turned out.
I don't want to talk too much more about the paper, since it is under double blind anonymous review right now. Next week, we will meet and talk about tasks for the next few weeks of the term. I'll write about that in my next post.
I don't want to talk too much more about the paper, since it is under double blind anonymous review right now. Next week, we will meet and talk about tasks for the next few weeks of the term. I'll write about that in my next post.
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