Week 10: Related works and figuring out what everyone is talking about
Last week, I mentioned three papers that I had read and summarized for the paper. This week, I read the other two papers and added summaries. Additionally, I took a high-level perspective to the papers regarding fairness and attempted to find the pattern between all their fairness metrics. Fairness Through Awareness ( link ) This paper addresses two different ideas in fairness: group fairness and individual fairness. Group fairness looks at how two different groups are treated and says they should be treated the same, or independently of whatever is being measured. For example, if more men are admitted to college than women (and men and women are equally qualified to attend college), then this violates group fairness. A popular way to calculate group fairness is statistical parity, which just says the outcomes of two groups should not be statistically different. Individual fairness tries to get at the point that no individual should be penalized because of a fairness adjustment. M...