Week 7-8: Start of Second Quarter

Welcome back to my blog. I had a wonderful relaxing break and have begun my second term at WPI. Fall also occurred suddenly in Worcester, which some of the trees on campus took quite literally. Recap of First Quarter Last term, I met and worked with both the IQP team and the graduate student mentor, Caitlin, several times a week. Our goal was to become well-acquainted with the project and start some initial designs such that we could start the second term at full speed. I am happy to say that we are all quite familiar with the topic now and have some great drafts of the user interface (please refer to the blog of my teammate, Diana, at diana.matters-creu.com ). One of the difficulties I experienced last term was the sensation of being pulled in two directions. On one side, I was working with the IQP team on cracking the LineUp code and designing the user experience. On the other, I was working one-on-one with Caitlin to define research questions upon which we could formulate a ...